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Noise Reduction Rating : 23dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio : 29dBFinished product height : 185.9mm (+/-0.2mm) Width : 212.6mm(+/-0.2mm) Ear muff cup size : 104.6×80.2mm(+/-0.2mm) Ear muff cup height : 31.9mm(+/-0. 2mm) Product Material : ABS PU synthetic leather with sound...
NOTE : pilih salah satu ukuran dibawah (harga sama)#10589854 (42/8)#10589853 (41/7)#10589852 (40.6/6.5)#10589851 (39/6)#10589850 (38/5)
PVC Soft Frame Best impact resistance Include with Headband Strap Comfort & Durable Type : Goggle Color : White Size : All size Material : PVC Weight : 0.4 kg Dimension : 18X8X7 cm
PVC Soft Frame Best impact resistance Include with Head ban d Strap Comfort & Durable Type : Goggle Color : White Size : All size Material : PVC Weight : 0.4 Kg Dimension : 18 x 8 x 7 CM Len s color : Clear Mirror
KRISBOW KW1000799 GOGGLE CHEMICAL HEAVY DUTY SREP201 Polycarbonate Frame Light & Simple Fit to Face Wi th Si de Protection 99% UV Protection Type : Goggle Color : White Size : All size Material : Polycarbonate Weight : 0.3 kg Dimension : 16X 5X5 cm
KRISBOW 10550634 HIGH PRESSURE CLEANER 130BAR FRHPE130A Voltage (V/Hz): 220 / 50 Motor (W): 1600 Rated Pressure (b ar): 90 Max Pressure (bar): 130 Rated Flow (ℓ/min): 5.4 H igh Pressure Hose Length (m): 5 Dimension (mm): 350 x 321 x 500 < li>Weight (kg): 9.6
KRISBOW 10550632 HIGH PRESSURE CLEANER 90BAR FRHPE90 Voltage (V/Hz): 220 / 50 Motor (W): 1000 Rated Pressure (b ar): 60 Max Pressure (bar): 90 Rated Flow (ℓ/min): 5 High Pressure Hose Length (m): 3 Dimension (mm): 245 x 200 x 348 Weight (kg): 5.5
Display & Grafis, Elektronik, Listrik dan komunikasi, Pelayanan Kesehatan, Keselamatan, Keamanan dan Proteksi, Industri Transportasi, Manufaktur & Industri, Kantor
Rumah & Kenyamanan
Part no : KAN3154 Attenuation Penilaian (SNR) 25dB, 87dB(A)-98dB (A), Pra Moulded Ear Plugs
Part no : KAN3160 3M™E-A-Rsoft™ FX™ earplugs feature a bell shape and super-soft, slow-recovery foam to effectively seal the earcanal and provide reliable hearing protection
Part no : KAN3162 3M foam ear plugs conform to the unique shape of each ear for excellent hearing protection and comfort. These soft foam ear plugs are tapered to comfortably fit the ear canal. Recommended for high noise situations (up to 100dBA TWA). Noise reduction rating: 29 dB Harga per box (200 pasang)
Kosong 3M™ 1426 Multi Position Earmuff 330-3045 20/Case
Kosong 3M 1436 Folding Earmuff 330-3044 20/Case
Part no : KAN3166 Behind the Head, Noise Reduction Rating NRR 29 dB, Color Black/Red, Meets/Exceeds ANSI S3.19-1974
Part no : KAN3168 Sleek, unisex Virtua sport protective eyewear combines athletic-look styling, versatility and value with a high wraparound, anti-fog polycarbonate lens for excellent eye coverage and a comfortable fit.
Part no : KAN3178 Sebuah tutup kepala kombinasi dan sistem keamanan faceshield. Termasuk H8A ratchet tutup kepala dan WP96 polikarbonat faceshield. Suspensi ratchet disesuaikan. Molded faceshield memberikan perlindungan dampak. Membutuhkan kacamata pelindung, dijual terpisah.
Part no : KAN3180 Ukuran standar, dibentuk tujuan umum polikarbonat faceshield menawarkan perlindungan wajah dampak tinggi. Faceshield gunung dengan cepat untuk setiap 3M ™ Tutup kepala tanpa alat, kancing atau cams. Membutuhkan kacamata pelindung, dijual terpisah.
Part no : KAN3182 3M™ Metaliks™ Sport Protective Eyewear Blue Mirror Lens, Nickel Frame
Part no : KAN3197 3M Cartridge 6003 pelindung pernapasan hidung (safety nose) cartridge 6003 ini membantu memberikan perlindungan pernapasan dari uap tertentu organik, klorin, hidrogen klorida, sulfur dioksida, hidrogen sulfida atau atau hidrogen fluorida.
Part no : KAN3200 3M 6000 Series Half Facepiece Respirator (safety nose) 3M 6000 Seri pernapasan adalah salah satu yang paling ringan dapat digunakan kembali respirator setengah penutup wajah yang tersedia
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